A Reflection

In the last 50 years, as I approach my ripe old age of 70 years old, I am starting to reminisce about the days of old. My award winning final piece on the german immigrants, wrapping up by half century piece on the life of the immigrants that are increasingly inhabiting our country, was the last of the three pieces. There have been many common thoughts about the immigrants from all over this planet of ours, and in the context of my writings, the ones who might be making the biggest difference, the irish, the british and the germans. Despite everyone from the United States being an immigrant themselves, we have officially made it our land, and to many, our land only, and anyone else who tries to inhabit this country is seen as taking advantage of what we have deemed ours. In a way, without looking at all the underlying facts, and if I had not done all the incredible research that I have done, I might understand why one might make this assumption. I mean, more people equals less jobs, and less jobs means less opportunity right? What is that going to make of the American dream that we have represented ourselves as? However, the immigrants have made many more advancements for our country than any of the “real” american have, in many different ways. And interestingly enough, almost all of these immigrants came from poor areas. That actually makes sense though, because why would someone ever leave their home if they are swimming in money? These people came here to prove that the american dream was a very real thing, and helped us all out in the process. In my long hard, incredibly influential years, I have had a few long photos taken, but it’s incredible, when I first started we had to sit there for around 15 minutes and wait for a picture to take, now its only a few minutes! Thank the immigrants! But this picture here, demonstrates what makes the immigrants family to america, and it is their value of each other, and caring for each other and not discriminating like the people born here tend to do so very well. These immigrants are the people that helped themselves out while improving everyone’s lives around, which is all any American should aim to do.

Thank you for your years of readership!


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